Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Informal letter

Dear Den, thank you for your letter.Sorry that didn't write you earlier I have been busy.You ask to recommend you the film. I am very glad that my opinion is important for you.
  I want recommend you my favorite film. It is Joy. This film about girl which it is very difficult because she provides all family and solves all problems.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


                                      Circus job: a good way to earn a living or just an entertainment?

      Circus very popular entertainment in our country. It is in demand because children want to look at exotic animals. It lightens the mood and serves as entertainment for children and adults, but not everything is so good as it seems to us at first sight. Let's understand.
       In the first place there is an opinion that from circus it not the profitable place but only entertainment. To that who wants to earn a lot of money it isn't necessary to go to circus. So people consider that to contain circus it very expensively. Animals need to be fed and treated. Therefore those who work in circuses do it of pleasure and because of love to animals. Circus this excellent place for those who want to work as the clown or to train animals but this place not to earn a lot of money.