Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Informal letter

Dear Den, thank you for your letter.Sorry that didn't write you earlier I have been busy.You ask to recommend you the film. I am very glad that my opinion is important for you.
  I want recommend you my favorite film. It is Joy. This film about girl which it is very difficult because she provides all family and solves all problems.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


                                      Circus job: a good way to earn a living or just an entertainment?

      Circus very popular entertainment in our country. It is in demand because children want to look at exotic animals. It lightens the mood and serves as entertainment for children and adults, but not everything is so good as it seems to us at first sight. Let's understand.
       In the first place there is an opinion that from circus it not the profitable place but only entertainment. To that who wants to earn a lot of money it isn't necessary to go to circus. So people consider that to contain circus it very expensively. Animals need to be fed and treated. Therefore those who work in circuses do it of pleasure and because of love to animals. Circus this excellent place for those who want to work as the clown or to train animals but this place not to earn a lot of money.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Festivals in America

 1. Balloon Festival Adirondack
Take in the color, grandeur and spectacle of the Adirondack balloon festival is the oldest and largest balloon event on the American East coast. Set against the backdrop of the majestic Adirondack mountains, dozens of balloons of all shapes and sizes rise up into the sky for four days in September.

Note:in the first days of the festival were held at Adirondack College, known as the Adirondacks of new York state. As events escalated, a large site was needed to accommodate the growing number of balloons and spectators. The new website was the airport Rustland, where the festival continues to be held today. 
At the festival you will be able to try the Turkey and pie.

2. Aspen Ideas Festival
The aspen ideas festival Premier social events for leaders from around the world and in many areas, to engage in deep and inquisitive discussion of the ideas and issues that both forms, at the time.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Body and Soul

Have you ever attended a hypnotist? Amy has. Just imagine: the lights are dim and the couch is comfortable; the hypnotist's voice is monotonous, yet soothing. "Listen and relax, listen and relax" he repeats over and over. My arms and legs and even my eyelids are feeling heavy. My breathing is slowing down, as though I'm falling into a deep sleep. This technique of hypnosis helps you to relax and sleep. It relieves stress and the person begins to feel better. He is cheerful, full of energy and can continues his work.
 By the way, you know that you can relax in the bar? After hard work you can have a great time in oxygen bar. Some top athletes and rock stars are huge fans and use them to boost their energy, reduce stress and improve their concentration. Within minutes we were choosing from a selection of oxygenated fragrances:Lemon, relax or eucalyptus.I think you will choose relax.
On weekends you can practice yoga with  personal trainer. Yoga in a long silk hammock suspended from the ceiling. It is supposed to tone your muscles and straighten you shoulders. Aerial yoga was easy to pick up and I've almost successfully managed to do the 'cannonball' - hugging your knees while swinging upside down!
Of course, being fit is extremely important, but we shouldn't forget about pleasure. Do you know that acording to health researchs dark chocolate can be better for you than fruit. But not only that it is also being called a super food. Thay say yhat chocolate contains antioxidans that may help in the occasion of wrinkles and even reduce the risk of heart disease.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


  People should not be allowed to keep exotic pets.
    For animals living in captivity is a big stress and they can't be tamed. However, nowdays more and more people buy exotic animals and it seems to them that it is lovely and fashionable.
    On the one hand it can be dangerous. The animal will grow and become stronger. Even if it  wants to play with you, it will hurt you accidently and the injury can be serious. .

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Opinion essay

                                     All young people should take part in sport.
   Our life consists of sport. We move, play, run, visit various sport sections.Young people like to do sports. They play basketball, soccer, hockey. There are different kinds of  sport.Therefore, young people can choose sport which is really  pleasant to them. There is a set of opinions if it is necessary to do sport for young people or not.
   On the one hand, sport influences good on  our health.  If you do sport, you will have a healthy life. You shouldn't drink alcohol and smoke. Moreover, doing sport  is good for  your figure because you burn a lot of calories.
    On the other hand,sport is quite time consuming. If you take sport seriously, you will have to train a lot, so you will not have time for intertiment. What is more, doing sport can be high injuried. For example famous figure skater Evgeniy Plushenko hurted his back and was not able to train for several months. And even after recovery, he could not perform as well as before.
    In my opinion  if you take up a sport, you will meet new people, make new friends. Besides, sport helps you if you have any health problems.
 To sum up, sport joins all the generations together. It is easy to do sport for everone; for kids and adults.  

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Informal letter

Dear Ben,
  Thank you for you letter. Sorry that I didn't write your earlier.

  I'm  writing you to tell about my school. I think that food in my school is very tasty. I like my school because is gives knowledge to me and my friends. I have many friends at school. We are fond of talking about boys. Besides, we spend our free time going to the theaters,shopping centers.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Creative writting

Alwas wanted to say about that without which I can't live. This thing smells great and the whole gathers around itself. It is excellent solved and creates a sense of  celebration. Then I think about him my head starts to spin and I want to sing and fly.I admire him and are willing to pray for him. It satisfies thirst  and fills life with meaning. I think I'm ready to give it all I have. When I look at him I become as an animal who is ready to eat all on the way. This item makes me happy. My love.

When I was a child we often there went. There birdies sing and children play. There dizzy looks and magnificent stars.It is possible to hear novel animals at night and even with them to make friends.When I think of this place my hands begin to shiver and the body becomes covered by goosebumps. There it is possible to lie and enjoy air as in fantastic romantic movies.I very much like to go one there, but sometimes to me happens terribly and disgustingly from a unknown.The are not people only nature and the air of freedom. I fade from excitement and my head is numb.I admire and ejoy life.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Informal letter

Dear Trace,
 Thanks for your letter. It was lovely to hear from you. Sorry, I couldn’t answer you earlier. You  have written that you have moved to the new flat. I am very glad for you!
Also you asked me about my home and about my neighbourhood. Well, I like in my house my room because it very beautiful and light.As it seems to me I very like my neighbourhood because she always gives me tea. I would like to live in the big city because it is pleasant to me noise of the night city.
  I want to learn from you that you think about the neighbors you are on friendly terms as well as we?? You go on foot from the house?  You know how to reach supermarket?

Write back soon.
Best wishes,

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

My summer holidays.


Dear Mary,
I was glad to get your letter! Sorry I haven't written for so long but today I want to answer your questions.
  I had an excellent trip in the summer. We flew to Japan and had perfectly spent time.We were in the temple. This excellent and beautiful  place. By the way I liked traditional food in Japan. It is rise, miso soup,sushi. It is very tasty and unusual food.I think that if you were with me, then very much it would be pleasant to you here because we lived in the apartment in Tokyo and there was is very fascinating.There it was very cozy and lovely. It is a pity to me that you couldn't go with me because of the test. I know that it was difficult but you have coped.I hope that you have managed to have a rest and has received many different impressions of this summer.
  How you spent free time from school? You saw the friends? 

Monday, May 16, 2016

     Learning is a life long process.We all need a wide range of skills in order to succeed in life.A lot of this things we learn natural being in the deferent social situations and environments. However others we neeed to work hard to require. For example Kung Fu skils.And that our words were effective. We suggest you to learn a kung fu, and for this purpose it is necessary to write down in sports school.
Address: Russia,Chelyabinsk,Ostrovsky, 18a. When you are trained you will become strong and dexterous.You can break bricks on the bodies and so skiled that you can fight bindfolded without getting hurt!
    Despite physikals skills we can also improve our mental ones. Like Russians did it.They created an educational platform where they explain a principle of a subject ranging from Maths,Chemistry and economics to history and biology. This platform is called "I a class".This my favourite place where I can be for days.I think that many school students of Chelyabinsk like to study English in "I a class"(Ya Klass).
     In conclusion I want to say that in Chelyabinsk there are many places to develop themselves. To develop itself physically and intellectually.There are any sections, workshops, sports grounds on the street, and also educational platforms.Chelyabinsk helps to develop children because has remarkable places for this purpose.

Monday, April 25, 2016

My teacher

    Mister Pavel is my teacher.He is 45 years old and Miste Pavel very funny person. He works at our school and he teaches math. We like to visit his lessons because he interestingly tells material.It is pleasant to us when he tells ridiculous stories.
   Pavel Viktorovich in excellent physical shape. He likes to play sports and always says to us that sport is life.It is always interesting to talk to Pavel Viktorovich on different subjects. He is an excellent interlocutor and can keep up any conversation and add him with interesting stories from life.He smiling and always lightens us mood before control.And also Pavel Viktorovich likes to solve  difficult mathematical challenges and then he explains them to us.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Still a mystery

Our life is full of  mystery. There are a lot of intriguingly aspects of our life. The most common mystery is UFO. In 1947 an extraterrestrial spacecraft was reported to crash a new Mexica and it is alien crew was captured. The annual UFO festival in Roswell attracts thousauds of visitors each year to this rewort desert town. There is even UFO museum where you can find creepy sketches of alian bodies on autopsy tables. 

Saturday, February 20, 2016

"Online practice"

Presently when there were computers we can be trained online.There are people which are used by new technologies and those people who consider that from the computer harm and here isn't present anything good. Let's learn that people think.
      I would like to explan my point of view on this situatuion. I think that in a century of new technologies we have to use all opportunities of the Internet.

Saturday, February 13, 2016


Nouns in English can be singular (one only) or plural (more than one); countable (a noun that we can count, i.e. that we can make plural) or uncountable (a noun that it is impossible to count).
Some nouns are always plural, such as trousers, clothes, and scissors.
Singular and plural nouns
Some nouns are regular, and some nouns are irregular.

Regular nouns

For most nouns, you can add s to the singular noun to make it plural.
One dog = Two dogs
One cat = Two cats
This is also true for most nouns ending in a vowel.
One sea = Two seas
One bite = Two bites
Spelling differences

Monday, February 1, 2016

Doing right things

Every day people from all over the world try to be kinder out to help each other.
   Such as Mith McGregor who spent his three mounts in Brazil teaching English homeless street children. He joined a volunter group that taught biasic skills such as hugiene or literacy in makeshift school.
  Another example of given a helping hand is Charity festivals. Clastonbury festival is one of the iargest most popular greenfield music and art festivals raising thousands of pounds for charity. It is also about promoting green issues,humanitarianism,and freedom of expession your thoughts. Unfortunately,sometimes people can be selffich and unfriendly. To prof it Trance Bond turn herself into 80-ears-old leady.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Green Ideas for a green life

Let me introduce myself. My name is Alexandra. I want to present you my project "Green ideas for a green life". It is an ecological project involves a fight for atmosphere improvement. 
Nowadays cites are grown fast and a lot of forest areas are cut down. Only in our country almost 37 million hectares of forest have been cut down for last 13 years. So now just imagine how much forests are being cut down around the world nowadays. 

Monday, January 25, 2016


It is the fairy tale how the grandfather asked the grandmother to bake Kolobok, and that was live. The fairy tale begins here so: 
One day the old man says to his wife“Please, bake me a bun (kOLOBOK)”. The old woman takes some flour, some sour cream, some butter and some water, and makes a bun. She puts it on the windowsill to cool. But the bun cannot sit on the windowsill! It jumps from the windowsill to the bench, from the bench to the floor, from the floor to the door, and runs away.

   Further in the fairy tale it is told how on the way at Kolobok meet a hare, the wolf and is a lot of other animals. All these animals want to eat Kolobok, but he sings such song:“I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother. And I can run away from you, little hare!” How many people on the way at Kolobok didn't come across it to all I sang this song and I ran away from everyone.

   But once the Fox occurred in the path to it.Kolobok started singing it a song, and she speaks:“What a nice song!” says the fox. “But little bun, I’m old and I cannot hear you well. Sit on my nose and sing your song again.” 
     What occurred further? You learn when you read all fairy tale completely.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Eco problems

  People often claim that it is very necessary to have transport. Some people agrue that transport very much pollutes the city. Let's understand advantage and harm of transport.

   I would like to explan my point of view on this situatuion. I think that to have transport very important because when you have a car you can you can easily reach before work and bring children to school. As well as you you will feel comfortable because you go by own car, but not in the subway where there are a lot of people in addition to this you feel in safety.
    As opposed to the above ideas people say that to have cars it very harmfully. They pollute the atmosphere and the ecology very much suffers.It is dangerous to eat fruit and vegetables! Because of bad ecology our fruit very harmful. All farmers are very revolted with this situation and they consider that from transport one harm.
 In conclusion I want to tell that there are many opinions about it but transport is very necessary to mankind!

Monday, January 11, 2016

New Year Holidays.

The winter is cold in Russia. December is pretty mild in Moscow or in Saint-Petersburg. January is freezing cold and February is the same most of the time. Russia in winter time is for snow-lovers.In Russia very much like a winter holiday New Year. Russians like to celebrate New Year in a circle of the family. People skate and on skis also decorate a Christmas tree and make a festive dinner.Children and parents in this winter time have a rest from a hard work and rejoice to miracles! I want to tell you about my emotions and impressions which I received from celebration of new year 2016.